First it was a team of TWO... and then BOOM! A team of three, four, five...
Starting a family, and the incomprehensible joy children can bring to our lives is an epic pivot point in a couples life. I mean, once you get past the absolute terror of those first days (or months) of each of you doing your very best to keep them alive... AND once you learn first hand just how little sleep a human needs to function, of course!
The moment comes for us all, the welcomed exhale as they begin to endlessly entertain us with their antics and the awe inspiring 'firsts' as they experience the world. It's magic!
HOWEVER, many MANY couples struggle to maintain the well being and health of the original'Team of TWO'. Both individually and as a couple. Time becomes sand, that not just slips but spills furtively from our hands, and all too often, a couple becomes two separate islands with an ocean between them.
Date night? Sex? Quiet conversation over a candle lit dinner? AHAHAHAHA What's that?
One of the greatest gifts we can offer for a child's development and future emotional maturity is a love filled home. Love that flows freely, not just to them, but between the parents too.
The very hip folks over @, get it! Romper 'chronicles that crazy adventure — its highs and its lows — in a way that’s smart, honest, helpful, and above all, fun. Raising another human is no joke, but it’s often hilarious.'
They did us all a great service by providing this fantastic article to help YOU out with everything I just spoke about! HURRAH!
It was an honour to contribute as an relationship expert on this article, and hope you find my tips, along with some other experts, super helpful as you navigate partnership and parenting!
What's not working for you? Where is the STRUGGLE so very real as you try to be the best parent and partner? xx