I’m a big fan of gratitude. Practicing gratitude can begin as easily as taking a few moments to list out everything we are grateful for, the good things in our lives, our partners and in our partnerships. By the time we call out even 7 or 10 items, our perspective of ourselves, our relationship and even the world we live in can shift dramatically. . Practicing gratitude can do us a necessary favour of balancing the scales of what is going wrong and what is going right. This perspective shift, releases serotonin in the brain, which floods our senses with the feelings of pleasure and happiness
Powerful stuff, for sure.
Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash
HOWEVER… Utilising gratitude in this manner often offers a short term solution to a much longer term problem.
Gratitude is an action word.
Gratitude is NOT an inanimate list we possess, to be looked at whenever we need a pick me up or some perspective.
Gratitude is NOT a state of being as a result of making lists of items we are grateful.
Gratitude is NOT a statement of intention, a bold claim we offer ourselves and others.
GRATITUDE IS A VERB, and it only truly exists through our actions.
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash
To truly bring a practice of gratitude into our relationships, means a daily ritual of action. It requires making firm decisions to act, respond and engage differently. How do we harness gratitude, to exact tangible change in how we move through the world, through our love?
If you are unsure on how to answer that question, how to DO different, to shift life long, relationship long learned behaviours, in order to express gratitude in action and save your partnership… I can help.
Gratitude in action for me, looks like teaching others the hard won tools I have learned over years of study, professional practice and personal failures and successes, to transform how my clients give, receive, respond and engage with love. I offer a Relationships 101 of sorts, to help people create clear effective communication, healthy conflict resolution, respect for themselves and their partners, and a much needed resurgence of kindness and compassion. The tools necessary to truly take that momentary boost of gratitude and turn it into a well oiled practice of gratitude that revolutionises how we live and love.
Sound like something worth exploring, dearest one?