For this weeks love letter to those fighting the good fight to keep their love thriving, I wanted to talk about how to introduce the powerful tool that is The Five Love Languages to ensure that this year, that extra special message of love, really resonates.
Your Singleton's Valentines Survival Guide
Welcome To Your Singleton Valentines Day Survival Guide or...dare I say it THRIVAL guide?!?
Heck Yes!
Yup, just a couple of weeks, till one of the most dreaded holidays of the singles calendar is upon us! Yikes!
And even though we know that V Day is a ridiculously commercialized money grabbing holiday, we still feel it. It’s one of those annual days in the year where being without a partner, seems rubbed in our faces, in a special kinda hell way.
As tempting as it is, to dissociate from this whole day via a good head in the sand, there are sooooo many better options!
A large part of my coaching work with my single clients, focuses them in on living their best SINGLE life. When we are happy, healthy and content on our own, we attract other happy healthy and content people...however this is also about stepping in the abundant belief that one day, this single life WILL be over… so we better enjoy it while it lasts! Woot!
To that end, I gift thee this week, with the ultimate Valentines Survival Guide for those who are currently single. No longer, does the 14th of February have to live in infamy within our minds and hearts!
1. The Anti-Valentines route
Attend an Anti Valentines party with Bumble. The worldwide dating app Bumble, hosts some pretty fun Anti Valentines events so check out to see where they are doing one local to you. Similarly, other dating apps, like Match, RevL etc.. also usually host parties too. OR, just google 'Anti Valentines near me', and see what revelry stands out in the search result
2. A very Doggy Valentines
Take your sweet pupper to a doggie Valentines Day Event.
Oh hell yes, these exist. And it can be a great way for you to not only honor your beloved dog on this special day, but also get swamped with doggy kisses from all in attendance. And hey, maybe you’ll meet an owner or two, who is just your type too.
3. Dance, Dance, Dance!
Dance the night away! One of my favorites is the Yonce Anti Valentines Day night in East London. I mean, hello? Dance the night away to Beyonce?!?! Yes please!
Grab some friends and head out for a night of some serious booty shaking fun.
4. Attend A Singles Event
Photo by Samantha Gades on Unsplash
Singles Events are bountiful the weekend of Valentines day. A quick browse of Designmynight . com or Timeout quickly reveals just how popular this option is on Valentines Day. Head out into the wilds to bravely meet other singles, who are looking for love on Valentines.
5. Pamper Yourself!
Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash
Check in for a oh so necessary afternoon at the spa, book in a massage, book in a yoga or meditation class or retreat, or simply set up the ultimate pamper night at home complete with a long bath bomb soap, champagne and a face mask.
6. Do something on Your Singles Bucket List
Image by Shutterbug75 from Pixabay
Do a crazy or self indulgent thing that is possible, because you ARE single!
Book a sky dive, drive a super car, go on a weekend city break, head off to the mountains for some skiing, go see the super sappy movie, or an all day rave…book in the kind of thing that you CAN do, because there is no other half to check in with, or kids to worry about!
Going on a solo adventure not an option? Calling all my Single Mum’s and Dad's! Book in a fab valentines adventure with your kids! They qualify for ‘love of your life’ status, so why not?!?!
7. Get Your PALentines on!
Photo by AllGo - An App For Plus Size People on Unsplash
Skip the GAL only and gather for ALL your single fabulous pals for a night out or in. Grab those single girlfriends, guy friends and non binary pals and head out for a nice dinner, some drinks or even better have a Palentines potluck complete with signature singleton cocktail (or mocktail) for a great night in, with some of your besties.
Hey, some of our truest soul mates in this life, are platonic lovelies, and they deserve all my love on Valentines day!
So, yeah. Greeting Valentines by closing your eyes, placing your hands firmly over your ears whilst chanting LA LA LA LA LA I CAN’T HEAR YOU!’, is NOT your only option!
I hope this Love Letter inspires your to change up your V Day routine.
What are YOU going to do for Valentines day, dearest one?
Comment and inspire us!
Your Guide To THRIVING This Valentines Day, SingleAF!
My darling fierce single ladies,
Oh my, here it comes. Do you see it? It’s Valentine’s Day… and it’s here to puke heart shaped everything, ALL OVER YOU AGAIN!
And I know, that you know, that I know, that YOU KNOW... Valentine’s Day is an uber capitalist, made up holiday designed to monetize love and yet… YOU STILL FEEL IT! Right there, like punch to your very single heart!
It’s a jungle out there today in modern love and dating; swipe after soul crushing swipe is getting you know where closer to finding that extraordinary partner to share your already amazing life with, or heck even go on a second date!
Just when you’ve bravely survived the holiday season and New Year’s.
Just when you start to grasp onto some of those ‘New Year, New You’ resolutions with some manner of tightness…
Lord, help us all, is that FEBRUARY 14 upon us, already?!?!
Babes, I got you. As your personal feminist LOVE COACH allow me to offer up some incredibly tried and true options, that my clients absolutely love when the dreaded Valentines Day comes knocking in its pink sparkly onsie, that will keep all the angst and despair at bay! I mean, hey now, at least there’s loads of chocolate on sale come Feb 15th HOWEVER, let’s find more than discounted chocolate covered yumminess as consolation prize, shall we? Actually, F@CK THAT, Let’s not just survive V Day, LET’S THRIVE!
I have put together a neat little list of ideas for you to actually look forward to February 14th AND I’ve even combed through all the muck, mire and heart covered BS of events on offer in London, for some truly unforgettable SINGELTON Valentines Night out!
Not in London? Use this list as inspiration, as you let your fingers do the walking all over that blank google box, cause a lot of the ideas are not tied to location and events just like the ones I mention are happening in a city near you, too!
(p.s. I’ve also included a little of heart shaped Valentine Gift from moi’ to you, at the end of this article. That’s right, I’m sending you all the love, in the form of some real time tools to help you find and attract the partner you really want, and deserve!)
Get your Wonder Woman boots out of the closet, dearest one… WE’RE ABOUT TO SUPER POWER OUR WAY THROUGH V DAY, SingleAF!
Get all GALENTINES DAY on it's ass!
Photo credit; levi-guzman via Unsplash
Get together with the current loves of your life, your other fab single GF’s, and celebrate each other! Yup. There is more than just either being in a relationship OR avoiding Feb 14th like it’s a plague. In fact, there is a whole diaspora of amazingness on the spectrum between those two traditional V Day options.
Here are some #squadgoals AKA Galentines Day ideas to inspire you;
MOVIE NIGHT; Take in a movie on Feb 14th with your squad!
Winchester; Why yes, I will indeed coven up with my ladies and join Dame Helen Mirren for a night of frightful movie going! That’s right, no weepy rom-com, which frankly is part of the messaging that is killing modern love and dating anyways, and let’s go right to some good ol’ horror.
50 Shades FREED - I mean come on, it’s the ultimate chick flick anyways, so why not get your entourage up and out, and drooling a bit over Cristian Gray??
Host A Dating Horror Story Awards Night
Have a pot luck dinner party with ALL your single friends, girls, boys and beyond the binary, where each one has to tell TWO of their own dating horror stories. The Winner with the most cringeworthy story gets a plastic bedazzled crown and hailed as the Ultimate Date Fail Queen/King!
Get em' up and out!
Check out one of the many Anti-Valentine’s parties happening in your area. I’ve curated my top picks happening in London, just for you!
- The empowered women of BUMBLE is hosting an Anti- Valentines event @ one of my fav spots for a bit of fun, BOUNCE! Get your ping pong skills set to ninja! MORE DETAILS ON THIS EVENT HERE
2. Celebrate Galentines Day by letting your real soul sister, QUEEN BEY, be your guide for some late night single shenanigans! The Yonce 'Valentines Day' Experiecne @ XOYO on Wed 1r4th of Februart will be playing Beyonce tunes from 10pm -3am, NON STOP! All my singles ladies, UNITE
Or push yourself way outside your postal code… Did somebody say ROAD TRIP??
Hit up skyscanner or whatever your preferred flight app is and play a game of Flight Yahtzee! Select up to £40 for return flight, and spin the wheel of chance. Then randomly choose a city break based solely on the flights in that price range. Rock up as a truly empowered INDEPENDENT LADY solo or grab a bestie and wander a new city together.
Can you FIND LOVE on Valentines Day?!?!
photo credit; Mayur Gala via Unsplash
If you’re game to find out… Here are some really interesting singles events happening on Valentines Day, for the SingleAF out there in the wilds of modern love & dating!
A speed dating comedy show!
After two completely sold out runs in Australia, as well as sold out shows in Singapore & Edinburgh, f**k Tinder is returning to London.Designed to get single people together to have a good night out, chat to interesting people and do a lot of laughing. FYI Tickets go fast to these events, cause they’re just that good! MORE DETAILS FOR EVENT HERE
The folks over at BAES R US, have Vday Speed dating nights spanning the Valentine Day period for whatever your sexual preference. Baes R Us is a fun and fast alternative to the tyranny of Tinder nightmares offering a modern twist on romance. Meet like-minded young creatives offline in a relaxed & cozy setting; the smoothest selections of music all evening, let loose ice-breakers + free cocktail on entry. (14/02 is Gay, 15/02 is Lesbian, 16/02 is Str8 night) MORE EVENT DETAILS HERE
Join ME for a FREE Online Masterclass on Sunday the 18th of February @ 8pm UK (3pm EST / 12 noon PST) as I dish out some of my absolute top tips to starting BOSSING Online Dating! I will show you how to stop the confidence killing swipefest that is online dating in its tracks and start getting out on real dates with the right people for you, FAST! I
My darlings, it’s time, to push way past your old mode of coping, by simply trudging through Valentines Day like February 14th is just another day, and you are all out of f@cks to give.
If we want something different, we are going to have to do something different, to get there!
Spread your strong, independent woman wings, and FLY!
(*Please note; I am NOT, in any way, associated with the above events or event curators, nor financially benefited by your attendance in any way. Just being your opinionated, benevolently pushy (ahem, American) LOVE COACH, filtering though all that’s out there to present you with some of the best options on offer)