Well, life as we know it got real interesting real quick, didn't it?!?!
I hope this blog finds you and yours, safe and healthy.
Many of you are self isolating, quarantined, working from home, trying not to kill your partners as you both work from home (including me!!), feeling alone and extra EXTRA single right now, or working like a mad person in the medical field and service industries... AND ALL OF US, are faced with something, that in our lifetime, we have never faced before!
When faced with extreme uncertainty and heightened tensions on our timelines and news feeds, some of our anxiety levels are sky rocketing. Some of us are burrowing deeply into denial. While others are out panic buying all the toilet paper! YIKES!
We need self care, more than ever right now. To that end, I will be running a LIVE video series over in 'Feminista Seeks Love' facebook group for all my single ladies.
Join us in the FEMINISTA SEEKS LOVE facebook group for this Self Care Series!
For those who do not fall into that category, you are still quite loved by me, my darling, AND I will be emailing you more regularly, with self care tips and tools.
My hope is to offer you as much support, care, and kindness over the coming weeks, as is within my gift to do so!