Who knew, when I launched this Self Care During Crisis series, we would still be here, in lock down 4+ weeks later!?! I don't know about you, but week 4 was a real b%tch! I entered the doldrums zone... week one was fueled by anxiety, week 2 was the motivation to do all kinds of things around the house and for my business, week 3 almost felt like normal, but week 4, well, I hit a wall.
How your pandemic going?
Regardless of how long this goes on for, know this... I am here for you! And I'm more convinced then ever, that peppering my usual dating & relationships messages w/ self care, was and is the best way I can be of service to you, during this tragic and difficult time.
Self care and your own mental well being, plays a direct role in how you give and receive love!
Onward and upwards, my darling! Let's get to the next sanity saving self care tip!
Emotionally regulating can be a huge challenge when our minds are whirring along at a 1000 thoughts per minute. This week, I want to encourage you to empty out all those thoughts onto the page. All the emotions, fears, anxieties, anger, frustration swirling around in your mind, put the pen to paper, and dump them you.
Some of you may recognize as similar to The Morning Pages, in the Artists Way. And the concept is similar, with a bit of a twist. Take out a journal or blank page, and just starting writing ANYTHING that comes up. Even if you have to start by writing 'blah, blah, blah, to get the hand moving and the brain juices flowing.
This is a free write, with no care for grammar, spelling or even if it makes any sense whatsoever. Visualize you taking your head off your shoulders, giving it a good shake, and dumping all your thoughts in there, onto the page.
Image credit: neven krcmarek via unsplash
This is a clearing out, a purge. Nothing more, nothing less.
When you are done, take a deep breath, fold the page or close your journal and leave all your fears, anger, anxiety, emotions and frustration there.
There is a lot of neuroscience to back up how the brain and hand connect deeply in the writing process. Let is all flow out of your mind, through your pen, and leave it all there on the page!
Feel free to do it morning or night or in the middle of the day, when you are feeling overwhelmed and need a good ol' tidy up in that head of yours!