Learn Something New — Blog Love Letters — Jessica Elizabeth Opert

Learn Something New

Self Care During Crisis Series - Tip #2... OWN TODAY!

So, How's your apocalypse going ?

Tip #2 for the Self Care During Crisis Series, has arrived!  Hurrah!

Whether you are working from home, living in lock down, self isolating, temporarily out of work, quarantined or working like crazy in essential services, REGARDLESS OF YOUR RELATIONSHIP STATUS... I wanted to take some time to offer whatever help I could. 

This pandemic is scaryAF and has been life changing for all of us.   WE are all in this together! So I have launched this series to contribute some helpful tips to inspire you to take the greatest care of yourself. 

This is NOT a daily challenge!  Life is challenging enough, right now!   This Self Care Series is merely my own random acts of kindness, to let you know, I am here with you; ready to help in any way, large or small, that I can.

Many of us, have wayyyy more time on our hands than we did, this time two weeks ago.  And what so many of people have said to me, via email and online, is how fearful they are of being isolated home and disconnected from family, friends and life.   Prolonged cabin fever, is freaking many of non high risk folks, more than the Coronavirus does!


I don't know about you, but I was out of decent TV by day three...

And although the idea of Netflixing ourselves into a coma, can seem like self care, in reality it's s a very short term fix, to a long term problem.

Disconnection, boredom, lack of movement, disruption to our normal routines and rituals, the feeling of being trapped in our own homes can lead to lethargy at best, and depression at worst.

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

However here's the thing... alternating between mainlining box sets and scrolling through social media, whilst staring longingly out the window is NOT your only option!

What if we really set some intentions around HOW we can use this unexpected downtime?  

It may just be your normal commute to work time of 30-60 minutes that is no longer part of your daily routine!  Or it may be a whole lot more free time, than you have experienced in years!

See, I've been thinking a lot about this too.  How can I use this time productively, so I do not fall into the downward spiral of doom, gloom and out right cabin fever?!?!

Well, let's explore that for today's top Self Care During Crisis tip, shall we?

What intentional, nourishing, nurturing activities can you engage in during this time of isolation and social distancing?  Not a TO DO list, think of it as a TO NOURISH list!

What are some things, you have always wanted to do, but just never seemed to have any time for? 

Photo by Nathan Lemon on Unsplash

Yoga?  Knitting?  Painting? Learning a new language? Meditation? Refinish that dining room table? Paint some walls?  Finally design and plant up your garden? Map out that business you always dreamed of starting?  Design that website for your own blog? Read some books, simply for the pleasure of it?  Catch up on some fab podcasts?  Go for a run?  Tinker with the project that's been collecting dust in the garage? Pull out the sewing machine and make some drapes? Learn how to sew?!?!

Pull out a notebook and pen, my darling... and start setting some nurturing intentions for your very own 'TO NOURISH' list!

Here's my very own Self Care in Crisis 'TO NOURISH' list...

- Learn Italian!  Always wanted to, have been talking about it for years... never could find the time.

- FINALLY get my online Dating Coaching program created!  I have been dreaming about, promising women all over town, that I would create an online version of my coaching, however it is a massive amount of up front work... creating presentations, recording videos for 18 modules!  Well, I've already started last week, and I'm on Module 4 already. Hurrah!

- Improve my yoga practice!

- Read Becoming by Michelle Obama.  I have been picking it up and putting it down for over a year... now I am going to grab a lawn chair, sit in the garden and finish it! 

- Learn to play guitar!  Santa was kind enough to bring me one for Christmas, however, I have not made the time to really dedicate to learning... NOW I CAN! 

Photo by Emma Matthews Digital Content Productionvia unsplash

Photo by Emma Matthews Digital Content Productionvia unsplash


I am not trying to be cavalier about this global pandemic! 

People are ill, and dying. All of us are facing uncertainty, worrying daily and missing family and friends.  I am simply guiding you towards any damn silver lining we can find, right now.  And, hoping to assist you in living each day, to its fullest (now more than ever) and to take the greatest care of yourself during this tragic time, where anxiety, depression and fear are following us around, looking for an in.

What is on your personal 'to nurture' list?   Comment below and tell me all about it!

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