So, it probably FEELS LIKE day 3,046 of working at home with your partner, right now. , I get it. The Hubba Hubba has been working from home since last Friday, and has completely taken over the office, and taken with him, some of sanity and what feels like, all my precious alone time!
Most of us have our own little worlds, away from our partners. We have long stretches of time, socializing with colleagues, clients and intense work that requires focus. Or we have the super busy full time job of parenting, and not only is our partner all up in our biz right now, THE SCHOOLS ARE CLOSED??!?! Lawwwwwd, what fresh hell is this?!
Suddenly over night, day to day life as we know it has dramatically changed. And not just in the oh, we share an office now, kinda way... but swirling around out there in the world is a news feed tornado of germs, politics, death tolls, worrying about older family members, empty store shelves, anger, fear, anxiety, denial, misinformation...and for some of us, leaving to go work in the park or at the coffee shop is not even an option, in this post lock down existence!
I overheard a divorce lawyer saying last week, his business would be booming when all the dust settles and the virus clears the air... YIKES!
Um, yeah. So here I am, inboxing you with the first of many self care tips for you, and your relationship!
This tip right here, has been my very own mantra this past 10 days... it has helped keep me centered, calm and present for myself and those I love... on most days. (Um...I may or may not have fake coughed at the person who was breathing down my neck in line yesterday, while I was giving the person in front of me 6 feet of social distance...) Ommmmmmmmm :)
Today, I offer this #1 tip, my mantra, up on the altar of self care during crisis!
Never before, have we needed to extend all the kindness and forgiveness to ourselves and others, than right here, right now.
The most natural human response to such a threatening, uncertain time like we are living through right now... is FEAR, ANXIETY and DENIAL.
And, for those three gremlins to come out sideways as anger, outrage and toxic positivity.
This pandemic is scary. Full stop!
Maybe you are the one with the short fuse... OR out there refusing to social distance because then, it feels too real... OR snapping at the ones you love... OR panic buying because it makes you feel in control during such a vulnerable, powerless situation.
Maybe you are the one getting angry and resentful watching others do the above!
Either way, shaming ourselves or others... standing on the mountain top of self righteousness, and generally beating ourselves and our partners up right now? None of those things, are clinically proven to stop the spread and symptoms of Covid 19.
They are not serving you, dearest one.
Right now, more than ever, we need to extend kindness to ourselves and others and be really REALLY quick to forgive.
Image Credit: Priscilla Du Prez via Unsplash
We are truly living in unusual times, and the way people respond and our own behaviors are coming from a primal place of fear.
Seek out ways today you can greet yourself and others with kind words and actions.
Grab onto forgiveness with both hands, when you or others fall short.
The only way through this, is together!
Stay tuned, as I will be posting more tips for self care during this tumultuous time.